Title: The Dom's Dungeon
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Publication: VanScoy Publishing Group (December 12, 2013)
Links: Amazon/ B&N/ Goodreads
Reviewer: Kimmy
Rating: 3/5
My very first blog review…EEEK!
Author: Cherise Sinclair
Publication: VanScoy Publishing Group (December 12, 2013)
Links: Amazon/ B&N/ Goodreads
Reviewer: Kimmy
Rating: 3/5
My very first blog review…EEEK!
BDSM books are one of my favorite genres to read and Cherise Sinclair can write a mighty fine novel. She has a way of making her characters feel real. Shame, remorse, anguish… she brings these feelings out in her readers creating an emotional, exciting experience that brings her characters to life. That being said, there were several situations in The Dom’s Dungeon that made me uncomfortable and seemed unrealistic.I like a little bit of a build up to my relationships otherwise I have a hard time connecting with the characters. There was no build up here, alas I did not feel emotionally connected. All in all it was an okay book, not my favorite but not a terrible read. I would have to give this book a three star rating.