Title: Leverage
Series: The Brannock Siblings #1
Author: Jessica Wilde
Links: Amazon/ B&N/ Goodreads
Reviewer: Kimmy
Rating: 4/5
What a good read! Leverage was my first read by Jessica Wilde. I have to say I was impressed. I actually had to wipe a few tears away. I found myself laughing out loud at Ash's brothers and their antics. I'm looking forward to reading about them in the future of this series. I especially loved the relationship Ash had with her dad. I felt that loss for her...commence the tears. The story flows nicely without any boring lagging; I didn't find myself skimming through this book like I have with many others. Ash and Lucas were an excellent fit together, their relationship being built over such a long period of time make the end result that much sweeter. The ending really made my heart swell....commencing more tears. A very good read,
Series: The Brannock Siblings #1
Author: Jessica Wilde
Links: Amazon/ B&N/ Goodreads
Reviewer: Kimmy
Rating: 4/5
What a good read! Leverage was my first read by Jessica Wilde. I have to say I was impressed. I actually had to wipe a few tears away. I found myself laughing out loud at Ash's brothers and their antics. I'm looking forward to reading about them in the future of this series. I especially loved the relationship Ash had with her dad. I felt that loss for her...commence the tears. The story flows nicely without any boring lagging; I didn't find myself skimming through this book like I have with many others. Ash and Lucas were an excellent fit together, their relationship being built over such a long period of time make the end result that much sweeter. The ending really made my heart swell....commencing more tears. A very good read,
I would rate this book 4 star.